We are glad that you want to help.

For donations to Misereor:

Bischöfliches Hilfswerk MISEREOR e. V.
IBAN: DE75 3706 0193 0000 1010 10
Pax-Bank Aachen

Keyword: kocos care

For donations to SOS Children's Villages:

SOS-Kinderdörfer weltweit e.V.
Account (for donations for special occasions) 6912000
Sort code 700 700 10
Deutsche Bank Munich

Keyword: kocos care

For donations to FMMD: Missionsärztlichen Familie der Verlassensten (FMMD) e.V.

Account 189 907 00
Sort code 472 603 07
Bank für Kirche und Caritas Paderborn

Keyword: kocos care

For donations to the Balthasar children's hospice: Balthasar Kinderhospiz

Account 19 0 11
Sort code 370 601 93
Pax-Bank Cologne
IBAN DE 23 3706 0193 0000 0190 11

Keyword: kocos care

For donations to the Kinderhospiz Mitteldeutschland

Kinderhospiz Mitteldeutschland
Bank für Sozialwirtschaft
IBAN: DE64860205000003566900

Keyword: kocos care

Always use the keyword when making a donation. Receipts can be provided on request.

© KoCoS Care  2025