KoCoS supports Misereor worldwide

For many years it has been of great importance to us to do our best to support the valuable work of Misereor. We would like to draw your attention to a few projects which are particularly close to our hearts:

Brazil - Help for street children

For about 400 street children, the house "Casa de Passagem" (CdP) in Recife is a safe place to go. In this project girls and boys from extremely poor families get the chance to improve their lives and escape poverty.

The MISEREOR partner organisations offer children from poor families a safe place to go so that they do not become street children. © Soteras / MISEREOR


"Campaign Germany Helps" - help faster together!

"Campaign Germany Helps" is an alliance of renowned German aid organisations. When disaster strikes, we provide emergency aid. Together, fast and coordinated. Donate just once now or help regularly as a sponsor!


Philippines - (Surviving) life despite climate change

Misereor helps Filipino fishing families and gives them new courage. In November 2013, typhoon "Haiyan" killed more than 6,000 people and more than 4 million lost their homes. In recent years, the number of floods and storms in the Philippines has increased significantly. Also the extent of the thunderstorms continues to increase and violent typhoons are no rarity any more. Climate change is to blame, whose effects threaten especially coastal dwellers and fishing families.


MISEREOR helps people in Yemen

In Yemen, people are suffering immensely: 24 million people depend on humanitarian aid and protection. These include almost 16 million people who are threatened with starvation. Our alliance supports the local people.

© KoCoS Care  2025